What makes a good logo?

What makes a good logo?

Nov 09, 2016 - 1 minute read

Getting the right logo when bootstrapping a new start-up is extremely hard. If you’re starting a new business, you might be wondering: what makes a good logo? This is your first business, you’re not a designer, you’re worried about everything having to do with your business so, what should you look for? You must return to focusing on the details, ensuring that your logo is a holistic design that functions and looks as one. Your logo should demonstrate care, how you’ve considered and questioned everything, attempting to create something that truly works for you.

People can sense the amount of work that went into something… was care taken? We’re surrounded by design and if you look, you get a sense of the people that made all of these things. If your design looks haphazard, not only does it not work for you, but all of your work comes into question.

An example would be to look at an Apple product. It’s as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. When you open one up, you observe all of the unseen details, the amount of time, the care that was taken - nothing is arbitrary or left to chance.

On the other hand, drive through a neighborhood tonight on your way home. Take some time to look at houses that have all brick fronts. They look wonderful, but how do they look from the back or even from the side; many have vinyl siding. They’re presenting the illusion of a well-made house, it’s a facade, they simply dressed something up. So what does the plumbing look like, the wiring, everything you can’t see? You get the sense that the builder was only worried about the appearance of the house… not the whole house.

People can sense the difference, even if they can’t explain it to you. So when creating a start-up, working to develop a brand, and finally picking a logo to be the representation of what you believe, do it with care.

By Ion Design Co. Creative Director Nathan Dawdy.